About me

Marco Flecha narrador oral

The origins

I was born in a town on the banks of the mighty Ypane River, in a town in Paraguay.
They say it was a morning of glittering constellations.

From that time onwards I embraced various professions until reaching theater and storytelling or oral narration. And, as it is a path of no return, here you have me sowing stories along the inviting paths of listening.

Storytelling and theater

I dedicate myself to telling stories, I facilitate meetings and workshops, I do theater and I also dedicate time to sound creation, radio, and the world of podcasts.

With stories and theater I have traveled through diverse geographies, from the slightly undulating plains of Uruguay, to the Andean peaks of Bolivia, passing through Chile, Argentina and Colombia. I settled in Seville, where I share projects with other storytelling colleagues and from here I move throughout the peninsula, although I was also telling stories in France and Portugal, animating libraries, schools, theaters, parks, bars, festivals and numerous book fairs.

I welcome you and invite you to share stories and legends, imagining or inventing possible worlds, where we are free like the flutter of a hummingbird, the mythical "Mainumby" of the Guaraní.
